Social Media Marketing Value to Marketers On the Rise

Social Media Marketing Value Rising for Marketers

E-commerce traffic driven to a brand’s website due to…
5 Startup Marketing Plan Musts

5 Startup Marketing Plan Musts for a New Business

What's more exciting than launching a startup? Launching a new…
5 Startup Marketing Plan Musts

2015 Beauty Industry Trends and Salon and Spa Opportunities

Blurred lines abound when it comes to 2015 beauty industry trends. Salon and spa pros will find new opportunities as they address the challenges presented by the ever-evolving industry.
5 Startup Marketing Plan Musts

4 Ways to Help Your Favorite Small Business on Social Media

Provided that your small business has brand advocates, there are ways that they can help your brand’s social media efforts continue to pay off, even if you don’t have the money to sponsor posts or run ads.