social media myths

Misconceptions of Social Media Marketing

You heard it last year and you’re continuing to hear it this year… social media marketing is a valuable asset to your business. However, you may be holding back from mastering the world of social media due to common myths, but worry no more. Here are the top 5 misconceptions about social media marketing and the facts that will lead to more customer conversions.

social media realm

Social media is for personal use only

False. How many times have you seen an ad for something you’ve recently Google searched, pop up on your Facebook account? Those businesses are taking advantage of the platform that Facebook offers. They are able to get their products and promotions out to their followers with one click. 88% of millennials stay up to date with daily news through social media. Use this to your advantage and make sure that your business is catching the eyes of eager consumers on social media.

The more followers the merrier

Not quite. Occasionally you’ll run across an ad that says pay $20 for 10,000 followers on social media! Steer clear of the ads as they won’t help your business. The point of having social media accounts for businesses is to engage and convert potential customers. If you pay for followers, they will actually decrease your customer conversion rate.

As long as you share something, people will come to you

False. Just because you post a status everyday doesn’t necessarily mean followers will flock to your business. Take the time to thoughtfully plan out what you’re going to post so your followers will want to share your post with their network too. If you don’t take time to interact with other accounts, than you will likely not receive the number of followers you would like. A repost by another business is quite valuable!

Social media is a 9 to 5 job

Nope. Social media marketing is a 24/7 job! But not in the way you would think. Customers take note of timely response time from a business, so it’s best that you are always available to answer questions or respond to surveys. A few minutes a day actively posting, and open availability to respond to potential customers will allow you to stay on top of your social media marketing.

You don’t need a social media strategy

False. Successful companies such as Apple and Chick-fil-A have a team that works solely on the social media branch of their business. They don’t gain thousands of followers a day out of the blue. They have a strategy including timeline of posts, content calendars, and follower number goals they aim to achieve. Social media marketing is so valuable for your business, but like any other initiative, it won’t be successful without a plan.


Don’t let these 5 misconceptions scare you away from making social media a priority for your business this year. There’s more to social media than just more followers=more business. Take time to strategize a plan and you’ll see a large increase in your customer conversion rate. To hire an external social media marketing team, contact us at The Marketing Desks, and we can help your business thrive on social media marketing.

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