Ideas for NAHA winners marketing

6 Ways 2016 NAHA Winners Can Celebrate with Great Salon Marketing

2016 NAHA Winners Can Keep the Party Going Long After the…
Halloween marketing ideas for salons

Salon Marketing for the Mens Hair and Grooming Market | Beauty Industry Trends

Salon Marketing for the Mens Hair and Grooming Market | Beauty…

Salon Marketing: 4 Innovative Ways to Attract New Clients

As a salon professional, your true value proposition lies in what you bring to the table that no one else can offer, and it’s the same for a salon business.
Halloween marketing ideas for salons

2015 Beauty Industry Trends and Salon and Spa Opportunities

Blurred lines abound when it comes to 2015 beauty industry trends. Salon and spa pros will find new opportunities as they address the challenges presented by the ever-evolving industry.
Halloween marketing ideas for salons

The 5 Salon Holiday Marketing Tips I’d Give My Own Hairdresser

I love my hairdresser! If I had to give her salon marketing advice for the holidays, here's what I'd say.
Halloween marketing ideas for salons

6 All New Halloween Marketing Ideas for Salons and Spas

Consumers of all ages love all things Halloween! Here are six salon retail, service and event ideas that can provide a boost to revenue for salons and spas.
Halloween marketing ideas for salons

Salon Marketing: 7 Take-Aways from Great Clips’ 40 Quarters of Growth

Neither the Great Recession nor even the Polar Vortex had the…
Halloween marketing ideas for salons

2014 Beauty Industry Trends and Marketing Ideas

What’s on the horizon for the beauty industry in 2014?   With…
Halloween marketing ideas for salons

Booth Renter Marketing vs. Salon Marketing: One Size Does Not Fit All

One size does not fit all in terms of the marketing challenges…