6 Ways 2016 NAHA Winners Can Celebrate with Great Salon Marketing
2016 NAHA Winners Can Keep the Party Going Long After the Award Show Ends
The amount of work that 2016 NAHA winners and finalist’s teams put into creating, presenting, photographing and packaging is staggering. When added cumulatively, the time alone may equate to months of working hours. It might feel like the awards ceremony is the culmination; however, as with many other endings, this isn’t just the end of one thing, but the beginning of another.
Like a pageant, or a national or world series sports title. Or a political campaign.
These big winners don’t accept their crowns and go home. Instead, they become ambassadors of the program and title holders, and use their roles to inspire others, and sometimes even to make change.
The salon teams that are represented in the list of 2016 NAHA winners (as well as all of the finalists who made it to the last round) have done something truly great. As a member one of these teams (in whatever capacity you served) you’re a title holder, too.
This great achievement deserves some great salon marketing. Here are six ways 2016 NAHA winners can keep the celebration going, long after the awards ceremony has ended.
6 Salon Marketing Ideas 2016 NAHA Winners Can Use to Keep the Celebration Going
1. Hold a Victory Parade
Have you let your town’s mayor and city hall know about your win? Why not! NAHA winners have set their salons and, by extension, their communities in the spotlight. Even if you don’t hold a victory parade in the streets of your town, you can hold some type of public event to showcase your win in your hometown.
2. Meet the Press
Chances are you won’t have any trouble getting local magazine, newspaper and broadcast news teams interested in doing a cover story on your win. Reach out to local media who might not realize just how big a deal this world-title honor is when compared to the number of salons worldwide that participate.
In addition, publish your own press release using a service like 24-7 Press Release or e-releases. This document will essentially live forever online, and the cost of publishing it to media outlets worldwide starts at under $100. It can drive traffic to your salon’s website and be the means of helping you acquire new customers and boost word of mouth referrals.
3. Capture the Moment
You probably took photos throughout the process from ideation through to your entry and receiving your award. Use these pictures to create an e-book about the experience. Have your book professionally published and make it available for sale as a guide for salons who aspire to their own NAHA winners moment.
Have them printed up and give one to everyone who helped you in any way as a thank you and long-lasting memento. Keep copies to give to future team members, to help you inspire and attract top talent. Display a copy in your waiting area to inspire your clients and remind them why they feel so personally connected to your salon.
4. Inspire Others
Reach out to local beauty schools or even high schools and offer to come and talk to students about your win. Email your contacts with behind-the-scenes stories and photos about your experience. Post updates on social media with quotes from your staff or judge’s comments. Contact local distributors and offer to host a class for other salon owners who are interested in how the process works.
5. Make Change
Like other title holders, NAHA winners have a platform they can use to make change. Use this moment to draw attention to a cause, charity or industry concern that is very important to you. You can also take advantage of this moment in time to make change inside your salon. This win could become the inspiration for changing your brand, launching the type of website your salon deserves, remodeling or creating an educational offering for your staff and other teams.
6. Party On
The way NAHA winners celebrate after returning home with a trophy could be the best salon marketing event ever. Hold an open house for your clients and staff so everyone who loves your salon can celebrate with you. Invite local politicians, influencers, celebrities and others. Have a real red carpet complete with paparazzi. Take silly selfies (and post it all on social media!)
If you need help writing and publishing your own press release or would like to have your release editing before publication, contact us. This is a fairly low-cost one time service that can benefit your salon for months and years to come.
If you need help formatting your book for publication, writing or editing content, or you’re interested in self-publishing your book to Amazon using createspace.com, we can help.
Get more information about our press release services or book publishing and editing resources here:
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