What your clients don’t know can hurt you!
How much do your clients really know about your salon, your skills,…

Salon Marketing to Moms: 8 Things My Hairdresser Needs to Know
Being empathetic to how mom-life works could give you an edge…

Salon Marketing Priorities - Stop Making Fun of Your Clients on Social Media
Study shows that not making fun of clients tops the list of…

Salon Owner Apps That Simplify Business
Running a salon business can be challenging, especially if you…

Selling Wellness through Emotional Appeal in Salon Marketing
We sometimes treat it as a joke, but the truth is that “having…

5 Salon Marketing Mistakes You Could Be Making with Mature Clients
According to the US Department of Health and Human Services,…

6 New Ideas for Promoting Hair Color Services in the Digital Age
Salon Marketing: Take Advantage of Tech to Promote Hair Color…

5 Salon Marketing Ideas for Attracting Millennials
5 Keys to Attracting Millennials as Salon Clients
Five things…

5 Salon Culture Hacks to Attract and Retain Staff
5 Ways to Improve Salon Culture, Employee Satisfaction and…

6 Reasons Your Salon Social Marketing Stinks (and how to fix it)
6 Salon Social Marketing Strategies Every Plan Needs to Include

5 Musts for Marketing to Multi-Cultural Clients
Making the Case for Adding Multi-Cultural Salon Services

4 Ways Pre-Appointment Salon Marketing Increases Average Ticket and Client Engagement
Increase Average Ticket and Client Engagement with this Pre-Appointment…

6 Ways 2016 NAHA Winners Can Celebrate with Great Salon Marketing
2016 NAHA Winners Can Keep the Party Going Long After the…

6 Things You Need to Rock PR on a Small Salon Marketing Budget
Public relations isn’t just media coverage, it’s any time…

5 New Salon Marketing Ideas for Stylist, Salon Business Success Right Now
The digital age and beauty industry evolution has changed “business…