Head in the clouds, or Pie in the Sky?
Today is election day and like me, no doubt you are fed up to here with the non-stop assault of political ads in which rivals assassinate one another’s character while all the time promising to help everyone. But the truth is that the best solutions are local solutions. And private charities are far and away more efficient, less costly, and much, much more effective at providing local solutions than are national or especially governmental programs.
That’s why I’m pleased to have found this little gem of a charity which is, literally, putting nourishing food in the stomachs of the needy. Manna’s mission is so simple: Improving health, delivering nourishment. What could be more fundamental?
This is straight from their ‘About Manna’ page at mannapa.org:
Especially for people at acute nutritional risk due to life-threatening illness, MANNA (Metropolitan Area Neighborhood Nutrition Alliance) prepares and delivers delicious nourishing meals and counsel, empowering individuals to battle illness and improve their quality of life.
Each month, MANNA prepares and home-delivers more than 70,000 nutritious meals to individuals and families living with HIV/AIDS, cancer or other life-threatening illnesses. MANNA’s small professional staff and 1,500 dedicated volunteers deliver medically appropriate nutrition to our clients – 3 meals a day, 7 days a week – at no charge. MANNA dietitians promote wellness through nutrition education and counseling. Through these services, MANNA provides opportunities for caring people to extend loving support to families, friends, and neighbors.
If you or someone you know should need MANNA meals or would like to volunteer, please call 215-49-MANNA.
What have they done? A lot! With financial support from individuals, from corporations large and small, foundations, faith communities, the public sector, special event fundraising, etc.:
- 7,349,135+ meals served to date
- MANNA serves children and adults, individuals and families
- MANNA delivers meals and nutritional counseling to home and clinic settings
- 85% of MANNA’s clients are African-American or Latino
- More than 85% of MANNA’s clients are very low-income by Federal HUD guidelines
- Enough yearly delivery miles to circle the globe 6 times
If you’re looking for a charity to support with a special holiday campaign, one that truly makes a fundamental difference, Manna would love to have your support, and I highly recommend them as a great charity to adopt!
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