A Marketing Audience of One: This Letter is For You

2013 marketing ideas small business leadershipThis letter isn’t for you.

This letter has been written for a specific person and purpose. A marketing audience of one.

You’ll know that you’re the one if you are on the brink of discouragement.  If your staff don’t seem to care and you feel like you’re the only one fighting for the health and well-being of your business (and for yourself, for that matter, by extension).

This letter is written for the one whose passion for “what you do” feels like it’s ebbing, rather than flowing.  If you’re wondering why you started your business.  If you’re wondering why you spent all that money on education and licenses and equipment and leases.

Above all, this letter is written to the one who feels like nothing they’re doing is working.  For the one who feels like they’re out of ideas and are beginning to wonder if there are no real new ideas out there.

Every time I write a post for any of my blogs, I’m writing to you.

Because what you do, matters.

What you provide for your customers and the difference that your products and services make in their lives, matters.

The jobs that you provide (directly or indirectly) within your community and industry, matter.

The hard work that you put into obtaining the education and skills you need will bear fruit.  The money invested in starting a business and purchasing the tools, equipment and technology needed to execute your business plan were worth it.

Keep on learning. Try new things.  Try one new thing every week. Try one new thing every day.

Keep on hoping.  Decide on the outlook you will bring to the challenges in front of you today.  If you start out feeling defeated, there’s every chance you’re going to be right. If you start out feeling optimistic and capable, there’s every chance you’re going to be right.

Keep on teaching others. Don’t give up on the people who work with you or for you. Remember that you don’t understand the personal challenges they face, the discouragements they’re battling, the defeats they’ve suffered.  Tap into their experiences and perspectives to the extent that you can learn something that might better your plan or approach.  Tell them how their cynicism affects those around them, how it affects you, how it affects your business.  Encourage change.

Fill yourself up with optimism and hope and joy and gratitude.  Remember that someone out there is happy – ecstatic – with less than what you have, with less than what you’re capable of becoming.  Believe that you can, whatever it is that you need to do next, then do it.

I hope this letter finds my marketing audience of one, I know it found me.



Daily Prompt: Marketing Audience of One  http://dailypost.wordpress.com/2012/11/29/daily-prompt-15/

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