Is This Disorder Derailing Your Marketing ROI?

marketing strategies to grow your businessThere is a serious but all-too-common disorder that could be derailing your marketing ROI.

Many visionaries, including a large number of entrepreneurs and small business owners suffer from BSNT disorder.

The Marketing Doctor is In!

BSNT is serious, and it can kill.  BSNT has the ability to seriously limit your effectiveness, derail the returns you need to get from your marketing investments and stand between you and the success you so strongly desire.

Sounds serious, doesn’t it?  But even though BSNT is easy to identify and treat, it’s still the number one momentum killers out there when it comes to marketing.

BSNT, or Bright Shiny New Toy Syndrome, severely inhibits your ability to focus.  It keeps you from achieving the consistency necessary to attract internet traffic through online blogging and website content, build a following and engage on social networks and engage prospects and customers by means of consistent, scheduled email communications.

Bright Shiny New Toy Syndrome can be almost completely disabling!   It makes it impossible for you to build momentum through consistency in any area of your marketing.   And it is this lack of consistency that keeps you from getting the return on your marketing investment you need to grow your business, attract new customers and engage the ones you have.

The Key to Getting Marketing ROIYou may be aware that you suffer from this debilitating business disease or a concerned staff member, friend or loved one may be bringing BSNT to your attention for the first time.  If this is you, there’s good news.  BSNT is treatable and need not leave any lasting negative effects!

If you’re ready to get on the road to recovery, there are a few simple ways to stop BSNT Syndrome in its tracks, so that it can no longer derail your marketing ROI:

1.  Remember, resistance is not futile, but you need an annual marketing plan.  This will help you remain focused on the marketing tactics and strategies that you have chosen to meet your marketing goals.

2.  Embrace accountability.  Tell people what you are going to do.  It’s remarkable how much more accountable we hold ourselves when we’ve gone on public record.  As entrepreneurs and leaders within our own businesses, it’s easy to believe that we don’t answer to anyone. If you want to set a mark, set it publically, and keep that goal in the forefront of your mind as you go about your business each day.

3.  Love systems.  Systems and routines don’t sound all that sexy, but the results you can achieve through them are.  You don’t get 6-pack abs without systems and routine. You don’t get amazing arms, legs, stamina and health without systems and routines.  It’s the same in your business.  Your business can’t get fit, attractive, strong and healthy without consistency in marketing that is focused on the goals you want to achieve.

4.  Admit that you need help.  If you’re ready to fight your BSNT Syndrome head on, you might need some help.  And it’s ok to admit that you need some help.  You might be a great home builder, a great stylist, a great mechanic, a great dentist or a great professional of some other kind.  That doesn’t automatically translate into your being a great business person or marketing expert.  Great business leaders hire to their weaknesses and follow good advice. They surround themselves with people who have strengths that they lack.  In your case, this might mean partnering with someone who loves systems and routine to work your marketing and business operational plans.  It’s not a sign of weakness to ask for help, it’s a sign of wisdom and strength!

Forget bright shiny new toys.

You have good ideas and good instincts; you need to follow them through to success.  Give your customers the consistency in marketing they need to believe that you will follow through on your promises to them and deliver on their expectations time and time again.  Give your staff the ability to invest themselves in your marketing strategies and see them through to completion.  Give your business the systems and processes that allow for the time it will take to receive a return on your marketing investments.


If you need some help getting systems in place or building a real marketing plan, and don’t want to tackle the project alone, I’d love to help.  Contact me for a no-obligation quote for building and implementing a marketing plan for your business.


My 2015 Small Business Marketing Calendar is available on — in print or digital format. It is absolutely packed with marketing inspiration and a working content marketing plan you can use to attract – engage – retain and motivate your customers in the coming year.

2015 small business marketing calendar template

5 replies
  1. Milady
    Milady says:

    Reblogged this on theBEAT and commented:
    A great post about an all too common disorder that many creatives suffer from. Don’t let this terrible disease eat away at your success. Follow these 4 steps from Elizabeth Kraus at 365 Days of Marketing to get control of BSNT syndrom before it kills your effectiveness!

  2. Jim Matorin
    Jim Matorin says:

    Fun post. One thought: For some creative types routines are a killer since they are not linear thinkers. As long as they are committed, like going to the gym as you stated – you have to mix it up.

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  1. […] There is a serious but all-too-common disorder that could be derailing your marketing ROI. Many visionaries, including a large number of entrepreneurs and small business owners suffer from BSNT disorder. Is this Disorder Derailing Your Marketing ROI?  […]

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