6 Ways to Make Your Brand More Appealing to Women
Did you know? It is more difficult to make your brand appealing…
3 Ways to Keep Your Brand Alive Forever
The rigid brand standards and policies you adopted to keep your…
What’s So Special About You? Finding a Marketing USP
Do You Know What Sets Your Business Apart from the Competition?
Shopping Turn Ons: Getting Target Markets Into the Mood
Maybe you should think of your marketing less in terms of ads…
Marketing Fails: 3 Types of Marketing Multiple Personality Disorders
When portrayed in the movies and on TV, individuals with multiple…
Marketing Strategies: 10 Reasons the Competition is Beating You at Your Own Game
When a competitor is running circles around you it’s not always…
Loose Bumpers, Branding and Business Momentum
And as I popped my camera out to take a photo of this mini-van…
Create 2nd Half of the Year Resolutions to Finish Strong
Do you like do-overs? July 1st was Second Half of the Year…
The 2 Biggest Business Card Design Fails
SUMMARY: Well-designed business cards can help set your business…
Branding ROI: 39 Ways to Put Your Brand to Work
Businesses have all kinds of operating costs. Bookkeeping,…
4 Divine Secrets for Happier Customers and Employees | Customer Experience
Driving my girls to school this morning I heard a snippet on…
The Psychology of Color in Branding and Marketing Design + Infographic
Choosing colors in design is always a big part of the process…
Mission-Shmission: I Know What Really Matters to You | Core Values
You spent hours swatching, matching and testing in order to…
Forget what your marketing consultant said, your business is awesome
Forget what I said before, your business is awesome.
There is…
What Valentine's Day Can Teach You About Branding | Valentines Day Promotions
This is one of my favorite quotes, not just because it’s beautiful,…