Shopping Turn Ons: Getting Target Markets Into the Mood

Maybe you should think of your marketing less in terms of ads and promotions and more in terms of seduction. Shopping foreplay for your target markets, if you will.

getting customers into the moodGetting members of your target markets ‘into the mood’ to take the actions you want them to take should be the primary goal of your marketing.  The headlines and content you write and the images you choose to portray life style and product or service results should be seductive to members of your target audience.  The benefits customers enjoy as a result of doing business with you should be benefits that they would lust after, not just mildly interest them.

If you’re using the internet to get members of your target markets into the mood (and specifically social media) it should interest you to know that when it comes to turning customers on and getting sales, Pinterest is the network setting most conducive to your customer seduction efforts.

In a recent study, results from Bizrate Insights point to Pinterest as more engaging to prospective buyers than Facebook.  In fact, 70% of online shoppers said they go to Pinterest for inspiration on what to buy (vs. a mere 17% who said they turn to Facebook for the same thing).

And it doesn’t stop there.  43% to 24%, more Pinterest users use Pinterest to engage with their favored brands than Facebook users use Facebook.

It may also be that the people who are using Pinterest are more open to being wooed to make purchases by the companies they already like.  Data from a joint study between, comScore and the Partnering Group revealed that, on average, Pinterest users follow more brands than Facebook users do.

Even so, sales results don’t lie. 59% of Pinterest users have bought items they saw on Pinterest, compared to 33% of Facebook users who bought items they saw in their news feed or on a friend’s wall on Facebook (Steelhouse).

facebook vs pinterest infographic

Whether it’s because Pinterest users come to their social networks already in the mood or Pinterest’s visual format is simply more seductive to consumers, it’s worth pointing out that 59% of Pinterest users have, in fact, bought something they saw pinned on Pinterest.  And that’s a whole lotta love on one social network!

If you need a Pinterest login, feel free to contact me for an invitation.  Pinterest access still requires that you get an invitation from another Pinterest user.  Are you already on Pinterest?  You can use Pinterest to drive blog and web traffic as well as traffic to your online store, product or service pages.

Create boards for your pins by subject type and utilize the Facebook and Twitter cross-sharing abilities.  Pin 8-10 items at a time (you don’t want to totally monopolize the feed of your followers) and try to pin to more than one board at a time.  Give your Pinterest followers variety – after all – variety is the spice of life in this area of seduction, just as it is in others!

Pin from your own sites and others that have related products or content that would interest members of your target markets.  And repin the pins of others after you’ve gone through to the link to make sure that it’s legitimate (not a spam or malware link) and to double check that you’re not sending web traffic through to competitors or to products or services you wouldn’t actually recommend to your customers.


365 marketing ideas for every day of the year by elizabeth kraus marketing

365 Days of Marketing  provides marketing ideas for online and offline marketing for observances and holidays you’ve heard about, and probably many that you (and your customers and prospects) have not already exhausted when it comes to marketing. You can, literally, talk about every day of the year and thereby have the means to be marketing your business every day.

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  1. […] Maybe you should think of your marketing less in terms of ads and promotions and more in terms of foreplay. Shopping foreplay, if you will. Getting customers into the mood should be the primary goal of most, if not all, your marketing content and imagery.   […]

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