14 Characteristics of Great Teams (Part 2)

14 Characteristics of Great Teams: Part 2 of 2 Earlier this…

14 Characteristics of Great Teams for Small Business Success

14 Characteristics of Great Teams: Part 1 of 2 If you read my…

Use communication to define yourself, or risk being mis-defined by others

This week, I included an article in my newsletter titled 12 trends…

Fill Your Customer Acquisition Car Up With Balloons

So yesterday while driving home from nearby Enumclaw, Washington,…

What you should do before you daily deal

Toward the end of his article, “The Real Repercussions of Discounting,”…

The REAL Repercussions of Discounting

Yesterday I shared an article across social media channels from…

Vampires in the Workplace

Have vampires in the workplace? Want to know the 5 key ingredients…

6 Ways to Use Your Business Cards to Make Money

We think of business cards as essential to doing business…

Everything is Marketing, so Don't Believe Little White Marketing Lie #6

Have you ever wondered how important marketing really is to…

Now Available: The 2012 Marketing Calendar for Small Business, "Little White Marketing Lies"

12 little white marketing lies, yours to disprove in 2012! The…

Trick or Treat - but Don't Scare - Your Customers

Last week when Facebook made some pretty significant changes…

It's Build a Better Image Week!

In contrast to self-improvement, which often involves changes…