4 Ways to Use Video in E-Commerce Product Marketing – Infographic
High res images and great copy help boost e-commerce product marketing efforts, but using video could do even more. Here are 4 ways to use video in e-commerce product marketing.
E-Commerce Product Marketing is Exponentially More Powerful with Video
When buyers enjoy marketing videos, it can increase purchase intent as much as 97 percent and increase buyers’ brand affinity – the extent to which they feel personally connected to the brand – by 139 percent (scroll down for more video marketing statistics in the Hubspot infographic below).
Video can be especially helpful in e-commerce product marketing since nine out of ten internet users say that videos are helpful when it comes to their buying decisions. Let’s take a closer look at some of the ways you can incorporate video into e-commerce marketing to help speed up the buying journey and tip the scales in your favor.
Infographic: 4 Places You Should use Video in E-Commerce Product Marketing
1. At the zero moment.
In 2011, Google published a study about “The Zero Moment of Truth.” Acknowledging that the internet enables buyers to research, compare and evaluate products before ever contacting a sales professional, the study found that 88 percent of consumers do just that. When your videos are found at these Zero Moments in online research, they increase the likelihood that your brand, products or services will be chosen over other options.
Whether your videos will be those found during buying research depends on whether your landing pages, product pages and other digital real estate are those that Google, Bing and other search engines deem most relevant in a user’s search. it’s important to remember that search engines can’t extract video content (the words that are said and the images used), so effective site and page optimization (SEO) of your web content, meta tags, descriptions and other ranking factors is critical. If users can’t find your videos, the videos can’t impact the buying journey; it’s that simple.
The longer your buying cycle, the more Zero Moments there are. For instance, 75 percent of business executives watch work-related videos on a weekly basis. In the case of goods or services with a longer buying cycle, videos that educate potential buyers who are starting, continuing or nearing the end of a buying process could all be equally influential in the final decision. It’s also important to remember that CEOs, CFOs, purchasing agents and other individuals could all be conducting research, even if they aren’t the ones making the final decision. Having a good understanding of all the people who could potentially influence the purchase can help you create video marketing content to address their concerns and interests.
2. In sharable content.
92 percent of people who watch video on mobile devices share videos with others. Whether your videos are found in online search, included in emails or made available on social media, ensuring they are easily share-able can increase your brand’s exposure. Emails with videos have click-through rates that are 200-300 percent higher than other emails.
While some shares occur based on whether a user knows a friend, colleague or loved one may have interest, the extent to which a video will be shared also depends on whether it has intrinsic appeal (entertaining, funny, aspirational, profound, etc.).
According to the DOMO Data Never Sleeps 4.0 infographic, YouTube users share 400 hours of new video every minute. That equates to 24,000 hours of new video that is being published every hour, 576,000 hours of new video being published every day. If your video is going to help with engagement and conversions, it’s got to be find-able and worth sharing.
3. On e-commerce product marketing landing pages.
What could be more Zero Moment than the page where buyers can actually take action to buy your products or services? Landing pages with videos have an 80 percent higher conversion rate compared to other landing pages. People who watched videos were 64 percent more likely to buy that product online. Even if they aren’t quite ready to take action, video discovered during product evaluation creates brand awareness. Eight out of ten users remembered the video marketing content they had viewed 30 days later.
4. In educational and informational materials.
While a video showing how a product should be assembled or used helps create consumer trust and confidence on e-commerce product pages where buyers may take immediate action, videos that are engaging and informative can impact the buying journey from the moment of brand or product discovery forward.
The key to success with video at every state of the customer journey is simple: Don’t be boring. The three most popular types of video content consumed are comedy (39 percent), news (33 percent) and music (31 percent). Put your audience to sleep or disappoint them and you’re sure to lose them. 5 percent of video consumers stop watching after 1 minute; 60 percent have dropped off by the 2-minute mark. Six out of ten executives say they would rather watch video than read text, but as with any type of marketing media, it will only be effective if it’s perceived as valuable by the audience.
A picture may be worth a thousand words, but according to Dr. James McQuivey, one minute of video is equal to 1.8 million words. Power your e-commerce product marketing with quality video to position your brand for success.
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