Making the Cut: 2015 Marketing Calendar for Independent Beauty Pros

In a 2011 study, salon industry experts said that by 2015, 50% of the salon market would be some kind of booth rental model. Booth renters are just one type of independent beauty pro – and all of these independent salon owners share one common challenge:

They must be prepared to market themselves like any other business.

Some of the types of salon and spa professionals that – in reality – are small business owners who need to market their services and products just like any other type of retail or service business include:

  • Booth renters
  • Independent estheticians
  • Independent technicians (pedicure, manicure, nails, waxing, etc.)
  • Commission stylists
  • Massage therapists
  • Skin care consultants
  • Salon suite owners – and the list goes on.


Making the Cut: 2015 Marketing Calendar for Independent Beauty Pros is More than a Marketing Calendar

From 2004 to 2011, I worked directly for two multi-state, independent, family-owned salon distributorships, doing everything from educational flyers to bi-monthly salon product catalog layout and design to postcards and menus made for salons and spas that were our customers. I worked directly for a national salon hair product manufacturer for an additional 4 years and have done work for dozens of salons and spas.

This 360 degree beauty industry perspective gave me a unique ability to understand how each of the moving parts related to the next. It was out of that high level view that I decided to start writing annual marketing calendars and also published 12 Months of Marketing for Salon and Spa. Each with the idea of providing a salon marketing plan that:

  • could be done by a single stylist, small salon or large chain at a very low cost (or no cost)
  • was based on the salon manufacturing and salon distributor product and education model – making it really practical by putting “marketing speak” and technical terms into salon and stylist language
  • would put butts in seats — help attract new customers and keep clients coming back
  • would help the salon sell more retail
  • would help the salon professional close the gap and bring their salons up to speed when it comes to social media marketing, website marketing, email marketing, site optimization for search engines, and so on

What’s in Making the Cut: 2015 Salon Marketing Calendar for Independent Beauty Pros

Making the Cut, the 2015 salon marketing calendar for independent beauty pros like booth renters, salon suite owners, estheticians, technicians and other independent salon owners is easy to understand. With hundreds of ideas at your fingertips, you will quickly find that even putting just one or two of the marketing tactics into play yields results.

It has marketing ideas for nearly every day of the year, and calls out important holidays and observances and tells you how to use them to attract clients, engage people on social networks and keep them interested in your business.

It’s a “plug and play” marketing plan that will give you the knowledge you need to improve your website or understand what to look for in a web developer.

No longer will you feel like email is an intrusion in your client’s inbox, because you will understand what email marketing can do, and have dozens of ways to use email that don’t sound like “selling.”

You won’t have to spend so much time convincing clients to buy the products they should be using at home, because your marketing is going to do the work for you. By the time the client is in the chair, they will already know about your products, be open to your recommendations and ready to make prescriptive retail product purchases.


Where to Buy the 2015 Salon Marketing Calendar: Making the Cut

Making the Cut is available on – if you are an Amazon Prime member you can have your copy in a mere 2 days!

Distributors or book sellers that want to resell or give away copies of Making the Cut can contact me directly via the comments below or order in bulk quantity directly from




2 replies
  1. Elizabeth Kraus
    Elizabeth Kraus says:

    Reblogged this on 365 Days of Marketing and commented:

    The first of my 2015 marketing calendars is now available on – This is Making the Cut, a salon marketing calendar written specifically with booth renters, salon suite owners, estheticians, technicians and other independent beauty pros in mind. If you are a beauty professional in need of a one-man-marketing plan, this one’s for you!

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  1. […] Making the Cut, the 2015 salon marketing calendar for independent beauty pros like booth renters, salon suite owners, estheticians, technicians and other independent salon owners is easy to understand. With hundreds of ideas at your fingertips, you will quickly find that even putting just one or two of the marketing tactics into play yields results.  […]

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