Infographic Dos and Don’ts of Writing a Great Press Release
Writing a great press release and copy suitable for media publication isn’t like any other type of marketing copywriting. This Vertical Response infographic checklist of dos and don’ts for writing press releases helps demonstrate just how complex it is.
The Basics of a Good Press Release
Writing objectively about your own company can be hard! For instance, while you might choose to write as an advocate when prepping copy for your website or blog, it can make your press release a non-starter. Somehow you have to put yourself in the mindset that an objective observer or reporter might have, and write copy that sounds nonpartisan.
Even if you know how to write in proper press release format, if what you’re writing about isn’t actually news-worthy, it’s not likely to get the attention of media. While you can self-publish press releases on sites like e-releases or 24-7 Press Release, you should still avoid publishing over-promotional stories. Some platforms will even reject your release if it comes across as more “ad” than story.
Even if you pass the test when it comes to media news-worthiness, your press release still needs to get the attention of readers. Not only does the content need to matter, the headline, callouts and sub-headers need to quickly get the reader’s attention and create intrigue in order to get them to read the whole article and take note of the information you want them to retain.
Yes, we do press releases. Not only can we write copy that adheres to press guidelines, we can also provide the independent voice that tells your story in a non-advertorial way. We know how to work through the sometimes confusing platforms where e-releases are published (PRWeb, e-release, 24-7, and many more). We can help ensure that your release hits the regions and industries that will help your company the most.
In addition, we’ve mastered the formatting, AP manual writing guidelines and headline writing skills it takes to turn out a great press release. Once published, we can also help you with a strategy for making this content reach even further with email marketing and social media.
If you do decide to go the DIY press release (do-it-yourself press release) route, use the information above and the tips below to create your own press release writing checklist. What you learn will strengthen your release and give you new tools for marketing and PR.
Writing your own press releases? Check out e-releases ebook, Beginner’s Guide to Writing Powerful Press Releases which covers best practices, formatting and what you need to know to get your message out there.