2015 Real Estate Marketing Calendar – Now Available!
Find out more about what’s in the 2015 Marketing Calendar for Real Estate Pros and how it can help real estate agents, brokers, title agents, mortgage lenders and other professionals who serve home buyers, sellers, renters and even commercial property interests land more new clients in 2015 and close more sales.
This is my first marketing calendar for real estate professionals, but it’s not my first foray into real estate marketing.The 2015 Marketing Calendar for Real Estate Pros reflects direct, recent experience working in the real estate industry.
Land More Clients and Close More Sales Using the 2015 Marketing Calendar for Real Estate Pros
Take a peek at the graphic below which is straight off the pages of realtor.org. The internet is now the #1 way that home buyers first come across the new homes they ultimately purchased.
While real estate agents come in at a close second as the source of home discovery, things like yard signs, personal referrals and print media – even when combined – don’t even come close. Buyers don’t drive around looking for “house for sale” signs or new home builder’s big plat signs to find a new home to buy. Instead, they curl up in their jammies on the couch with a glass of wine or a warm cup of tea and go online to search for their next new home.
The realtors that will win with these digital consumers, and ultimately land more new clients and close more sales (and close them more quickly) will be the ones that consumers find online, the earlier in their home buying journey, the better.
If you work the tactics laid out in the 2015 Marketing Calendar for Real Estate Pros, you will put yourself and your business in position to engage with home buyers and home sellers at the early stage of the buying journey, because they will find you online. They will find you online because you will have carved out your own ‘digital real estate’, so to speak, rather than hoping to get found among the hundreds – or thousands – of other listings you compete with when the MLS, Trulia, Zillow and newspaper classifieds are your sole digital marketing strategy.
The 2015 Marketing Calendar for Real Estate Pros lays out a 12-month marketing plan on a calendar format. This makes it easy to work the plan, day in and day out. Most marketing activities can be completed in just a few minutes a day, and nearly all of the real estate marketing ideas laid out in the guide can be completed at no cost or at a very low cost.
These low-cost, high-yield marketing tactics are the same tactics that I have used to increase web traffic by more than 250% (year over year) for two different organizations, including one in the real estate industry. Both, as a result, enjoyed exponentially more leads, more sales, and shorter buying cycles. I use them because they work!
You can purchase the 2015 Marketing Calendar for Real Estate Pros by Elizabeth Kraus on Amazon.com and I hope you will also connect with me on Facebook and LinkedIn. I am happy to answer questions and look forward to hearing how you are integrating the calendar into your own marketing plan.
This is a perfect marketing plan for real estate agents and brokers, but can also be used by title agents, home loan selling agents, homeowners insurance agents and other types of real estate professionals that play a part in serving home buyers and home sellers as part of the buying journey.
Elizabeth Kraus is the marketing manager for business cash advance and receivables factoring company DB Squared Inc. and the author of From Beginning to End: 2014 Small Business Marketing Calendar, available on amazon.com.
Do you have one for just retail stores?
Matt Capell
Business cell: (208) 695-4333
Office: (208) 288-0151
Fax: (208) 917-6160
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Hi Matt — my 2015 Small Business calendar is in the works! The 2014 version is still available on Amazon as well (as are the 2013 and 2012 versions) — thanks for asking! Elizabeth