10 status update ideas for a b2b social marketing plan

10 Types of Social Posts for a B2B Social Marketing Strategy

Just because you don’t sell directly to consumers doesn’t mean you can’t execute a B2B social marketing strategy that helps build brand awareness, affinity and client attraction. Here are ten types of social posts to take your B2B social marketing to the next level. 

Why Every B2B Social Marketing Strategy Needs to Get Better

Seven out of every ten internet users in the U.S. have at least one social profile, and the average social media user maintains five accounts (business2community.com). As the digital natives of the Millennial and younger generations move into decision-making and buying roles, those numbers will rise, since 90 percent of young adults use social media, compared to 35 percent of those over the age of 65.

Raw numbers are only part of the reason why your transportation marketing strategy needs to be fine-tuned. Think with Google notes that 89 percent of B2B buyers, decision makers and researchers use the internet to discover and compare goods and services before buying – in fact – before they even reach out to a salesperson or ask for a quote. After all, business buyers are also consumers themselves! When searching online, your website content can help your B2B business get found by potential customers, but your social posts can too, since social posts are now served up right alongside websites in search results.

10 Types of Posts to Fuel Your B2B Social Marketing Strategy

1. Employee Recognition

Putting a personal face on what the public might otherwise see as a company or brand gives customers another reason to feel good about doing business with you. Plus, customers that interact with these employees will like and comment, extending your brand’s reach on social media even farther.

2. Customer Congrats

A lot of supply chain and B2B sellers say customers are priority #1 but they spend all their time on social media talking about themselves. Tagging your customers in congratulatory posts when they hit milestones, hire new leaders, earn rewards or give back not only shows you truly care about their success, it gives them reasons to share your posts with their networks, too.

3. Quirky Questions

Social updates travel farther when they earn likes, comments and shares. Asking quirky questions can get followers engaged, extend the reach of your posts and help you get new followers – and you might just get some valuable insights into the marketplace in the process.

4. Cases in Point

Don’t you get tired of talking price, features and benefits? Share stats and case stories that show how doing business with you made a difference to real customers.

5. Extra Miles

Chances are that you go beyond the call of duty to aid customers, vendors, employees or the community from time to time. Share these stories as part of your B2B social marketing strategy – the ones that put your brand’s values into verb form.

6. Good Causes

If your business gives back in annual events or on a regular basis, you can benefit these causes even more when you talk about your company’s time, personnel and resource contributions.

7. Funnies

Social posts with memes, comics and amusing graphics get more likes, clicks and shares. Armed with nothing more than a smartphone, you could even film your own joke of the week as videos for max engagement on social networks.

8. Supplier or Vendor Appreciation

When was the last time you thanked your suppliers and vendors? Calling them out publicly in appreciative social media posts is the ultimate thank you note – and they’re very likely going to share your post with their own networks. Not only will you both have warm-fuzzies, you might both get new leads, too.

9. Other People’s Words

If a customer praises your company or one of your employees via email, over the counter or on the road, ask for permission to put the testimonial on your website and share it in social media posts. Even if the writer asks to remain anonymous, these words will be more powerful than the ones you write yourself.

10. Origin Stories

A lot of B2B companies are so busy working on what comes next that they forget everyone hasn’t read the prequel – the origin story behind your brand and its products and services.  Talking company history is a great way to engage and connect with people on social media.

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