Best Small Business Marketing Calendar for 2015
The 2015 Small Business Marketing Calendar is available on, and it’s packed with marketing inspiration and a working calendar that you can use to attract – engage – retain and motivate your customers in the coming year.
The 2015 Small Business Marketing Calendar, which features 12 marketing ideas “your mom would hate,” takes a tongue in cheek jab at the “mom-isms” we all grew up with – things like, don’t call your friends after 9 PM, share your toys, don’t dress to provocatively and don’t fight – all dispelled to empower you to grow your business in the New Year!
This year’s small business marketing calendar is packed with special days (did you know there was a ‘Squirrel Appreciation Day?’) as well as a full schedule of marketing activities to help a small business:
- attract new customers on a regular basis
- engage new customers as well as long time clients in order to strengthen relationships
- retain customers over the long haul, and
- motivate members of your target audience to take desired actions (visiting your business, referring friends and family, coming back more often, taking you up on special offers, attending events, etc.)
The title of this calendar might as well be the ‘If It Were Me’ Marketing Calendar.
More than any other publication, the 2015 Small Business Marketing Calendar has what I would do if I were the one responsible to market and grow your business.
Three times over the past 3 years, I’ve proven that audience-centric marketing + web content (both of which can be done for free!) has the ability to drive leads and conversions. In fact, I’ve used these same tactics to increase web traffic for SMB (small-medium business) as much as 250% in year over year web traffic; quality traffic that has converted into exponential book of business gains.
While some marketers keep their secrets and their systems to themselves, I lay them out in my small business marketing calendars. I started doing this a few years ago as a passion project. I love small business. I love doing marketing for small businesses. I can’t not do small business marketing.
So I lay out the same marketing tactics that I would use in the 2015 Small Business Marketing Calendar and the other industry-specific calendars that I publish each year, because 999 times out of 1000 when I’m approached by a small business owner and asked about marketing, the only thing standing between them and hiring a marketing pro is the money.
The cost of hiring marketing consultants or personnel can be prohibitive. It leaves a lot of small business owners in the position of needing to “do the marketing” themselves. However, for many, marketing is not high on their list of things they love to do – or know how to do; often that means it simply doesn’t get done at all. Without the marketing, it’s hard to get the business to grow!
The 2015 Small Business Marketing Calendar: 12 Marketing Ideas Your Mom Would Hate, does the work of figuring out “what” to do and creates an easy-to-follow marketing system to take some of the work and pain out of the process. If you will invest the time needed to work this system, it will work to help you attract the attention of members of your target markets.
What’s in the 2015 Small Business Marketing Calendar (and What Isn’t)
The small business marketing calendar is NOT a marketing textbook that takes months to read and requires you to master marketing philosophy and strategy in order to get the actual work of marketing done.
All of my marketing calendars, including this one, is a “plug and play” type of working calendar that gives you just enough explanation and instruction in best practices to execute the assigned marketing tasks so that they will work effectively to bring you real – and fairly immediate – marketing results.
That’s it!
The print version of the 2015 Small Business Marketing Calendar has a list price of $24.95, although amazon often discounts it by a few dollars. The digital version is priced at $6.99 – the difference is printing costs.
That said, even the print version is not much more than what it would cost you to take me out to lunch and pick my brain once, and for that price, you get a full-year’s worth of brain picking!
The print version would be my first choice simply because it’s something I can keep front and center in my workspace, a constant reminder to spend the 15 minutes a day I need to spend on marketing tasks to get them done, plus of course you can write in it and keep track of results, and file it away for future use or reference. The digital version? Well, you can’t beat the price – you just don’t get the tactile, hands-on use benefits that a print version provides.
Elizabeth Kraus is the marketing manager for business cash advance and receivables factoring company DB Squared Inc. She has been writing marketing calendars for small businesses since 2009. Copies of her other 2015 marketing calendars as well as for previous years can be purchased on
Hi Elizabeth,
My wife and I purchased one of your Marketing Calendars for Beauty Industry Pros for our daughter and she LOVES it! She has already put your advice into practice and it has already paid for itself. We just wanted to say a big thank you!
Hey Jon, thanks so much – that is great to hear! Please feel free post your comments on as well if it’s convenient – and please check back with an update on how your daughter is doing! What’s her salon name and website?