The Secret to Getting More Customers in 2013

The Secret to Getting More Customers (Or Anything Else You Want in Business)

secret to getting more customers small business secrets to successIf I told you there were an easy formula to follow to get more customers, would you follow it?  I feel like the secret I’m going to share isn’t really a secret at all; and yet, it must be, because a lot of business owners seem to be unaware of this customer-attraction strategy.

The secret to getting more customers…

The secret to getting more employee enthusiasm..

The secret to getting growth and profitability in the new year…

The secret to getting more, in every area of your business…

Are you ready for this?

Because it’s mind blowing…

The secret to getting more…

       … is giving more. 

The secret to getting more customers is to give more. To give more education. To give more perceived value. To give more actual value. To give more value that is relevant to  members of your target markets. To meet more of people’s needs . To satisfy more of their desires. To give more attention and give more back to the community. To put more energy into networking and cooperative marketing. To give people more reasons to feel good about doing business with you.

You can get more customers in the new year, but it will cost you. You can get more employee enthusiasm, but it will cost you.  In fact, you can get just about anything you want in business, if you are willing to pay the price.

It might mean that you have to set aside the preconceived ideas you have about what your customers want and discover what they do, in fact, really want.  It might mean that you need to be open to being wrong, and listen to your customers and your employees.  You might need to try things that take you out of your comfort zone and outside of long-held assumptions.

To get more customers, employee enthusiasm and buy in, growth and profitability and more in next year, you’ll have to pay the price.  You’ll have to change, adapt and evolve.  You’ll have to listen and execute differently based on what you learn.  You’ll have to accept the fact that “the way we’ve always done things” can – and will – change throughout the course of your professional career and the life of your business.

Without a doubt, to get more customers and all of the other benefits you want to receive next year, you will simply have to give more.

  • You will have to give more time or allocate more resources (i.e., pay someone) toward writing thank you notes, blog posts, social media status updates and email newsletters.
  • You will have to give more when it comes to training and educating your employees.
  • You will have to give customers more of what they really want and need (which means you’ll have to give more effort toward finding out what that is!)
  • You will have to give more time and resources back to the community and get more connected with other local business owners and leaders.

A lot of business owners are stressed out, focused on the money.  When you focus more on what you are giving to customers, employees, community and colleagues, you put your business in the right place to be successful!

There it is, now you know the secret and you have the keys to the kingdom when it comes to attracting customers, improving employee relations and making your business more relevant to both your customers and community.  How will you give more next year?


RELATED ARTICLES: Want more marketing secrets for small business?  Find out what’s in 12 Ways to Cheat at Marketing: The 2013 Small Business Marketing Calendar

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  1. […] The Secret to Getting More Customers in 2013 How to Make Employees Care About Your Business […]

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  3. […] The Secret to Getting More Customers in 2013 (365 days of marketing) How to Make Employees Care About Your Business (365 days of marketing) […]

  4. […] You can get more customers in 2013, but it will cost you. You can get more employee enthusiasm in 2013, but it will cost you. In fact, you can get just about anything you want in business, if you are willing to pay the price.  […]

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